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PhD Studentships in the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

The School can offer four 1252 studentships to enable students to undertake Ph.D. studies in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Clinical Pharmacy or Practice. For EU and non-EU fee-paying students the studentship provides an annual maintenance contribution of 6,500 and a full fee remission. The awards are for three years and they carry no further support for research- no bench fee or consumables. In addition, holders will be required to engage in teaching-related activities, as designated by the directors of teaching and learning (DTL), to a maximum of six hours per week, without payment.
This scheme is now open to new entrants as well as continuing students on the full-time Ph.D. register. Awards will be allocated internally strictly on academic merit.

Please contact either the Director of Postgraduate Teaching & Learning (Assoc. Professor John Gilmer ( for further information or individual PIs in your School area of interest.