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Assistant Professor Márie O'Dwyer

Practice of Pharmacy

Maire O'Dwyer Assist. Prof. Máire O'Dwyer, BSc (Pharm), PG Dip Stat, MPSI, Ph.D.
 Assistant Professor
 Phone: +353-1-896-2794
 Location: Panoz Institute, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland


Máire is a full time Assistant Professor in Practice of Pharmacy. She commenced working in the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, TCD in November 2015 as an assistant professor (teacher practitioner) , and also practiced as a community pharmacist 1-2 days a week. Previously she was a research fellow in IDS-TILDA in the School of Nursing and Midwifery. She completed her PhD examining patterns of medication use in older people with ID as part of the IDS- TILDA study and with the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Trinity College Dublin. She is interested in patterns and appropriateness of medication use, and associated outcomes. She is interested in examining psychotropic utilisation and anticholinergic burden and associated risks in older people with ID.

As part of IDS-TILDA Máire has worked as a PhD student, field worker and research fellow. She has presented findings on medication use in older people with ID from the IDS-TILDA study at a number of national and international conferences including at the UK College of Mental Health Pharmacy annual conference and the European Society of Gerontology conference. She has been involved in preparing funding applications as part of the IDS-TILDA team for the tender of Wave 3 and 4 of the study and for a HRB Knowledge Exchange Award, and has conducted interviews with people with ID and their carers as part of Wave 2 of the IDS-TILDA study.

Máire's areas of research interests includepolypharmacy in older people with intellectual disability, pharmacotherapy in older people, anticholinergic medication use, psychotropic medication use and pharmacoepidemiology.




