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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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The platelet research group investigates both haemostatic and non-haemostatic platelet biology using classical and nano-pharmacology. The group is especially interested in the following areas:

  • cancer-cell platelet interactions, mechanisms and pathophysiological implications
  • the development and application of pioneering approaches for studying platelet function for example, nano-balance, microfluidics, proteomics.
  • platelet-nanoparticle interactions; disposition and toxicity.
  • classical pharmacology of platelets and inhibitors of platelet function.
  • the role of the metalloproteinases in platelet function.
  • the design and evaluations of novel aspirin technologies that have lower toxicity and the capacity to release nitric oxide (mutual prodrugs).

The focus of the group is to understand better the physiological and pathological roles of platelets leading to the provision of new therapeutics or new ways of delivering established therapeutics with a better therapeutic profile.

Head of Research Group

Members of the Research Group

TCD Collaborators

  • Prof John O'Leary
  • Dr Anna Radomska
  • Dr Yuri Volkov
  • Dr Yuri Gun'ko

National and International Collaborators

  • Prof. Tadeusz Malinski (University of Ohio, USA)
  • Prof. Jack Tuszynski (University of Alberta, CAN)
  • Dr. Peter Ruvolo (University of Minnesota, USA)
  • Dr. Paul Jurasz (University of Alberta, CAN)
  • Dr. Grzegorz Sawicki (University of Alberta, CAN)

Current Research Projects & Funding

Nanopharmacology in platelet research: focus on nitric oxide and matrix metalloproteinases Summary Funding Agency Science Foundation Ireland Programme SFI Investigator Programme. M Radomski. 2006.

‘Aspirin Prodrugs', Enterprise Ireland, Technology Development: €403,000 2007 Gilmer J.F., Radomski M., Medina C.

Current Relevant ICORG* Translational Clinical Trials

Selected Publications

Moriarty LM, Lally MN, Carolan CG, Jones M, Clancy JM, Gilmer JF. Discovery Of A ‘True' Aspirin Prodrug. Journal Of Medicinal Chemistry. 2008 Dec 25;51(24):7991-9.

Santos-Martinez MJ, Medina C, Gilmer JF, Radomski MW. Matrix Metalloproteinases In Platelet Function: Coming Of Age. Journal Of Thrombosis And Haemostasis. 2008 Mar;6(3):514-6. Epub 2007 Dec 18. PMID: 18088339.

Santos-Martínez MJ, Medina C, Jurasz P, Radomski MW. Role of metalloproteinases in platelet function. Thromb Res. 2008;121(4):535-42

Gilmer JF, Moriarty LM, Clancy JM. Evaluation Of Nitrate-Substituted Pseudocholine Esters Of Aspirin As Potential Nitro-Aspirins. Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 2007 Jun 1;17(11):3217-20. Epub 2007 Mar 12. PMID: 17376682.

Gilmer JF, Moriarty LM, Lally MN, Clancy JM Isosorbide-Based Aspirin Prodrugs Part II: Hydrolysis Kinetics Of Isosorbide Diaspirinate. European Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2002, 16. 297-304.

Gilmer JF, Moriarty LM, Mccafferty DF, Clancy JM, Synthesis, Hydrolysis Kinetics And Antiplatelet Effects Of Isosorbide Mononitrate Derivatives Of Aspirin. European Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2001, 14 (3), 221-227.

C Medina, MJ Santos-Martinez, A. Radomski, I Owen, MW Radomski, Nanoparticles: Pharmacological And Toxicological Significance, British Journal Of Pharmacology, 150, 2007, P552 – 558.

Gimeno-García AZ, Santana-Rodríguez A, Jiménez A, Parra-Blanco A, Nicolás-Pérez D, Paz-Cabrera C, Díaz-González F, Medina C, Díaz-Flores L, Quintero E. Up-regulation of gelatinases in the colorectal adenoma-carcinoma sequence. Eur J Cancer. 2006;42(18):3246-52

C Medina, P Jurasz, MJ Santos-Martinez, SS Jeong, T Mitsky, R Chen, MW Radomski, Platelet Aggregation-Induced By Caco-2 Cells: Regulation By Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 And Adenosine Diphosphate., Journal Of Pharmacology Experimental Therapeutics, 317, 2006, P739 – 745.

Alonso-Escolano, D., Strongin, A.Y., Chung, A.W., Deryugina, E.I., Radomski, M.W., Membrane Type-1 Matrix Metalloproteinase Stimulates Tumour Cell-Induced Platelet Aggregation: Role Of Receptor Glycoproteins. British Journal Of Pharmacology, 141, 2004, P241 - 252

Jurasz, P., Alonso-Escolano, D., Radomski, M.W. Platelet-Cancer Interactions: Mechanisms And Pharmacology Of Tumour Cell-Induced Platelet Aggregation, British Journal Of Pharmacology, 143, 2004, P819-826.

Jurasz, P., Alonso, D., Castro-Blanco, S., Murad, F., Radomski, M.W., Generation And Role Of Angiostatin In Human Platelets, Blood, 102, 2003, P3217 – 3223.

Chung, A.W.Y., Jurasz, P., Hollenberg, M.D., Radomski, M.W., Mechanisms Of Action Of Preoteinase-Activated Receptor Agonists On Human Platelets, British Journal Of Pharmacology , 135, 2002, P1123 – 1132

Radomski, A., Jurasz, P., Sanders, E.J., Overall, C.R., Biggs, H., Edwards, D., Radomski, M.W., Identification, Regulation And Role Of Tissue Inhibitor Of Metalloproteinases-4 (TIMP-4) In Human Platelets, British Journal Of Pharmacology , 137, 2002, P1330 – 1338.

Mcnaughton, L.E., Puttagunta, L., Martinez-Cuesta, M.A., Kneteman, N., Mayers, I., Radomski, M.W., Expression And Localization Of Nitric Oxide Synthase In Normal And Diseased Human Liver., Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, 99, 2002, P17161 – 17166.

Jurasz, P., Chung, A., Radomski, A., Radomski, M.W., Non-Remodeling Actions Of Matrix Metalloproteinases: The Platelet Connection, Circulation Research, 90, 2002


Gilmer JF, Moriarty L, Lally M. Efficient Aspirin Prodrugs : TRI212/P, European application September 2007; PCT/EP2008/068114, Dec 22 nd 2008.

Gilmer JF, Byrne W, Rynne A, ‘Isosorbide Aspirinate Esters', WO 9817673, Publication date: 1998.

Gilmer JF, Byrne W, ‘Cardioactive Aspirinates', WO 9705128, Publication date 1997.

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