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The School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Ethics Committee

The School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Ethics Committee (SoPPS REC) is a Level 2 committee, i.e. it may provide ethics approval for very low or low risk research. It may also provide ethics approval for projects that would not ordinarily require REC approval but for the fact that publication is intended, but only before the research has been conducted. It is not possible to provide retrospective approval for research that has already been undertaken. See Section 2 of the College's background guidance document for further information on research risk level.

Application format

The College is switching from emailed applications to an online Research Ethics Application Management System (REAMS) on a phased basis.

Application type Currently Future
Staff project REAMS REAMS
Research postgraduate project REAMS REAMS
Taught postgraduate project Email REAMS
Undergraduate project Email REAMS

Key links

Application deadlines (academic year 2023-24)

Applications must be received by 17.00 on the specified dates (first Friday of the month except for December meeting; see details below).  The committee will not meet in July or August; hence applications should be made no later than June (earlier is recommended) for research that is intended to commence in September.
Note: A maximum of 10 applications will be reviewed by the SoPPS REC in any calendar month. If more than 10 applications are received in a given month, preference may be given to undergraduate and taught postgraduate applications over postgraduate research degree applications.

Submission deadline Expected meeting date

Friday 8th September 2023

Wednesday 27th September 2023

Friday 6th October 2023

Wednesday 25th October 2023

Friday 3rd November 2023

Wednesday 29th November 2023

Friday 24th November 2023 (note earlier deadline)

Wednesday 13th December 2023

Friday 5th January 2024

Wednesday 31st January 2024

Friday 2nd February 2024

Wednesday 28th February 2023

Friday 1st March 2024

Wednesday 27th March 2024
Friday 5th April 2024

Wednesday 24th April 2024

Friday 3rd May 2024

Wednesday 29th May 2024

Friday 7th June 2024

Wednesday 26th June 2024

No meetings in July and August.


SoPPS REC application process

When planning a research project you should allow sufficient time to prepare your ethics application. This will potentially take weeks rather than days, as you may need to undertake training and/or obtain training certificates, prepare and obtain DPO signoff on study documentation (using the College templates consent form where applicable), and obtain letters of approval/access if your study involves external sites. You should also allow sufficient time for the REC approval process itself: at least a month from the relevant REC meeting date, as it is likely that the initial review process will trigger revisions and further review.

All potential applicants should first:

  • Read Trinity College’s Policy on Good Research Practice;
  • Identify the required application format (email or REAMS; see table above);
  • If applying by email, check that the proposed research falls within the scope of the SoPPS REC (Level 2 committee), as outlined in Section 2 of the College's background guidance document. (Applications via REAMS will automatically be assigned to the appropriate REC level.)
  • Check whether DPO review is required based on the six questions in the College guidance. It is important to check this as soon as possible, because the need for DPO review will potentially add months to the approval process that you will need to factor into your timeline. If DPO review is required, complete the DPO review template and email both it and the data protection training certificate(s) for research team members to with the email subject line ‘Data Protection Review’. Arising from this initial screening review, it is likely that you will need to supply further documentation to the DPO for review (e.g. information for study participants, consent forms, data protection impact assessment). The DPO will provide feedback and you may need to revise your documentation. You can therefore expect several emails back and forth with the DPO over an extended period before you receive a DPO Review Letter of Completion. This letter must be included in your application to the REC, so you will not be able to submit your ethics application until you have received it

The ethics application form must be completed in full. Detailed guidance on interpretation of the questions and completion of the form is available (labelled for REAMS but also relevant to applications by email).
If applying by email, any appendices should be collated with the application form into a single electronic file (Word or pdf format only). The collated application should be submitted by email to
If applying by REAMS, appendices should be uploaded at the relevant prompts.

Applications will be rejected without further consideration if:

  • The application is not by the correct route (REAMS or email as appropriate; see table above);
  • The application is incomplete in any respect (including incomplete checklists or missing appendices);
  • In the case of a student applicant, the research supervisor is not identified in the application or has not completed the requisite sections;
  • The form used is not the current version as posted on the website (for email applications);
  • The application form and any appendices have not been collated into a single Word or pdf file (for email applications).

Review and decisions

The initial REC review and the associated administrative processes will typically yield an outcome within a week of the relevant REC meeting date. This timeline may be extended where the nature of the application necessitates engagement beyond to the REC. Applicants should also note that a maximum of 10 applications will be reviewed by the SoPPS REC in any calendar month. If more than 10 applications are received in a given month, an application may be assigned for review in a later month despite having been received by the submission deadline. Preference may be given to undergraduate and taught postgraduate applications over postgraduate research degree applications.

Review of applications will include consideration of the scientific justification for the study, the characteristics of research participants and their recruitment (including consent), ethical aspects of research methodology including the care and protection of research participants throughout the study and the risk/benefit ratio, confidentiality and data protection.

The applicant will be notified electronically of the review's outcome. Where ethics approval has been granted, a letter to this effect will be issued electronically, via REAMS or email depending on the manner of application. A hard copy can also be provided upon request.

The most likely initial outcome is that queries or issues raised by the REC will need to be addressed by the applicant through revisions before approval can be granted. Where an application requires revision prior to approval, the required clarifications/changes will be communicated electronically to the applicant. Tabulated responses to the reviewers’ comments plus the revised version of the full application documentation incorporating the required clarifications/changes should be submitted via REAMS (staff and research postgraduate projects) or by email to (taught postgraduate or undergraduate projects), ensuring that revisions are highlighted using the tracked changes facility in Word. Revised applications will be reviewed for satisfactory completion of the specified alterations. If the revisions are satisfactory a formal letter of approval will be issued electronically. It is likely that the revision and additional review process will take up to a month, though this may vary depending on the nature of any revisions sought.

The SoPPS REC decisions on applications are intended to be binding. However, should an applicant wish, a subsequent application may be submitted to the Faculty Research Ethics Committee for separate review, disclosing the prior application to the SoPPS REC.

Amendment of an approved study

Following approval, it is essential that the research is undertaken as described in the application and approved by the SoPPS REC. Any significant alteration requires approval from the SoPPS REC before implementation. Significant alterations include changes to personnel, study design/methodology (including recruitment methods and consent procedures), duration, and participant information leaflets. Applications for amendment should be via REAMS (if the project was originally approved via REAMS) or on the Word amendment application form (if the project was originally approved outside REAMS), accompanied by a copy of the full application documentation showing the proposed differences from the current approved version as tracked changes.


Investigators will be required to provide annual and end of project reports to the SoPPS REC. The report templates are available above. The SoPPS REC must also be notified of the date when a project concludes, within 90 days of the conclusion date. The conclusion date is defined as the last data collection timepoint. If the project is terminated prematurely, the SoPPS REC must be informed of the reason(s) for premature termination.

If any substantive adverse events occur during the study, it is also the applicant’s responsibility (and the supervisor’s responsibility in the case of a student applicant) to ensure that these are reported immediately by email to as well as to any other appropriate authorities.

Further information

For further information, please contact